
handicraftsWhen living is an art

In the region of the Valley of the Almanzora has been inhabited by all the Mediterranean civilizations reason why its craftsmanship is of a splendid variety. The most flourishing craft industry has been marble since antiquity. The marble of the region has been used in monuments as outstanding as the Alhambra of Granada, the Mosque of Cordova or the Monastery of the Escorial. But in addition to the marble, in Tíjola, Serón and Albox highlights another type of crafts: ceramics and pottery of centenary tradition.

The woodwork in the region has Pedro Gilabert as its greatest exponent. This sculptor has a museum in Arboleas and an own work and style that are reference for workshops and artists. Working with esparto has also been one of the traditional trades in the Almanzora Valley and during the last few years it has been strongly promoted in Serón. We can find bottles, baskets and all kinds of objects of esparto for the decoration of the home and with the seal of the crafts of the zone.