Bougainvilleas and and other colourful climbing plants.

bougainvilleaOne of the joys of parks and gardens in the warmer parts of Spain is the amazing display of eyecandy that colourful climbing plants like the bougainvilleas give us. Masses of magenta or deeper purple, or perhaps pink, red, orange or white flowers, carried on rambling woody stems, tumble delightfully over walls and fences. 

Actually the flowers of the bougainvillea are the insignificant middle part and the colourful part we think of as petals are modified leaves or bracts. There are several species of bougainvillea with B.spectabilis and B.glabra being the main ones we see grown as ornamental vines but there are many hybrids.

Bougainvilleas are frost.sensitive but tough plants and usually withstand some colder weather, as long as it is not too cold and for too long. They are very drought resistant and stand up to salty spray well too, so are excellent for coastal gardens. They do well in full sunshine and in warm weather.

Bougainvilleas vines can grow to as much as 12 metres. They will flower throughout the year and are very pest-resistant too, making them one of the best climbing plants to grow, but be careful when handling them because the stems are very thorny.

LeadwortPlumbago auriculata

Leadwort (Plumbago auriculata) is another excellent climbing plant that brings colour to our gardens and will cover up stuff we would like to hide from view. Also known as blue plumbago, it has pale blue flowers, although there is also a white flowered variety. Leadwort is an evergreen shrub that can reach as much as 6 metres in height and some 3 metres in width, though is often seen a lot smaller than that. It comes from South Africa originally and does well in a sunny position.

Trumpet Vinestrumpet vine

The blue sky vine or blue trumpet vine (Thunbergia laurifolia) is another excellent choice for covering a fence, wall or trellis. Like its name suggests it has blue flowers and they are produced all year around. It is fastgrowing and can be propagated from cuttings or shoots taken from its tuberous roots.

The trumpet vine or trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans) has red or orangered flowers and is another vigorous ornamental vine, It can reach 10 metres in height and will tolerate much cooler temperatures but flowers best in warm weather.

The pink trumpet vine (Podranea ricasoliana) is another climber with flowers with a characteristic trumpetshape. Also known as Port St John’s creeper, it is another vigorous grower reaching 10 metres or more, and produces many bunches of lilac-pink fragrant flowers.

The Flame Vine

Flame vineThe flame vine (Pyrostegia venusta) is aptly named because its tubular orange flowers are a real blaze of colour and are produced in clusters. It is one of the most spectacular climbers that can be grown. Coming from Brazil originally it likes a warm climate and plenty of sunshine. In ideal conditions it will grow fast and will cover whatever it is clinging to with a cascade of bright colour.

Passion Flowers

The passion flowers or passion vines, are various climbing plants in the Passiflora genus. Some types have edible fruit, predictably known as passion fruit. The blue passion flower (P.caerulea) is one of the most commonly seen species and has become naturalised in Spain.


The Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) is another of the most beautiful and colourful vines that is often planted in Iberia. It flowers in spring with purple or lilac pendulous fragrant blooms that cover the plant before the leaves appear. After flowering it produces seeds that are carried in pods. With age the wisteria often develops a gnarled woody and twining trunk, and it can reach 20 metres or more in height.

Wisteria will cover the front of a house or a tree, and will easily hide a garden wall. It is a hardy plant but is happy too in a warm climate.


The common jasmine (Jasminum officinale) is a climbing plant that is often grown more for its perfume than its colour. It has smallish white starry flowers but they produce a most wonderful scent that fills the evening air with fragrance. Jasmine oil is used in aromatherapy and as a treatment for depression and stress. It also is said to have aphrodisiac properties. The jasmine certainly has a very seductive perfume!

Messina Creeper

The Messina creeper (lpomoea cairica) is also known as the mileaminute vine and the Cairo morning glory. It is a very fast- growing climber that bears pretty lavender-purple funnel-shaped flowers. There are many other species of morning glory that are grown as ornamental climbing plants. The purple morning glory (I. purpurea) is often seen growing wild along roadsides and on waste ground in Iberia where it has become naturalised.