Garden Tools Translated
EnglishSpanishDescription / Advice
Dibber plantadora de punta makes holes for seedlings and large seeds.
Fork bielgo, bieldo  
Hoe azadilla, escardillo comes in many types. One of the best is the Dutch hoe, which has the blade set in approximately the same plane as the handle and is used by pushing with a chopping movement. Another excellent model, the "Swoe" - made by a firm who formerly made swords - looks like a golf putter with a long handle and is sharp on both sides of the blade so that it can be worked both forwards and backwards. Light and strong, it covers ground rapidly without damaging plants
Lawn-Mower (hand mower) cortacésped manual  
Long-Arm cortarramas de cuerda invaluable for shaping trees without climbing a ladder.
Mattock azada, azadón  
Pruning Knife podadera.  
Rake rastrillo removes stones and leaves, and smooths seed-beds
Saw sierra it gave its name to the mountains with their saw-like outline
Secateurs tijeras para podar buy a strong pair if you plan to deal with virile growers like bougainvillaea
Shears tijeras de jardinero garden shears
Hedging shears tijeras para setos  
Sieve criba  
Spade pala get one suited to your height and strength, and keep it sharp
Trowel paleta, desplantador